“But before you sacrifice yourself for him, think about this could he do the same for you? Have you ever wondered why he never includes you in games when he has guests? Why he only plays with you when no else is around? Ill tell you why, Hazara. Because to him your nothing but an ugly pet. Something that he can play with when he is bored, something he can kick around when he angry. Don’t fool yourself and think you’re something more.”
(The kite Runner, Page 77)
He was not a friend Amir, but he was something lower than that. Amir became something so low and sorrow. Amir could have decided whether to deny and go against the allegations against him, or accept them. However, Amir Reacted by staying quiet.
Amir had stood in the position before, in the position where he had also noticed his own behavior treating Hassan differently than the other children that he knew and would hang out with. He knew he treated Hassan as something else, and not as a person. Amir stood out greatly in comparison with the others. He had many problems with many people throught the story. Whether Amir argued, accused or with other characters, he always ended in a place where he hurt people. In addition, not only did he have and add weird and mixed emotions to the story but also he acted in ways that many people would disagree and not understand believed to be morally wrong. Amir had mood swings and moments where he contradicted himself and others by speaking or being a traitor to people around him. To the people who he allegedly loved, cared and respected, in ways he could not understand, and could not do the same. When in need of help or having moments of misunderstanding, Amir never went to ask that of people around him in a situation that he did not like to be able comprehend the exact details and their perspective. Amir reacted by zoning out surrounding himself in a bubble away from others. Don’t fool yourself and think you’re something more.” this reveals and demonstrates the feelings and emotions that Amir reveals and is obvious to others including the town’s bully Assef. Amir could not show much if not any respect to others including his family, friends loved ones and himself. The only act that Amir could show to others was that of being a selfish coward and intolerant B*****D.
In what position did Amir stand after heading to America? Was it a mistake that later led to further situations, problems and misfortune in the story. Did Amir and his father Babba’s decisions lead to them having worse problem that they would have had in Kabul Pakistan their homeland? Not only did the move to the United States change the lifestyle for Amir and his father but for others in their hometown including Hassan. Baba began to live and the work with effort to live and earn their money, but not living well enough as compared to what they had in the beginning of the story. Baba was one of the wealthiest people in the land in Kabul, having a big house and a lifestyle to fit the best of the best. Once they arrived in the United States, Baba and Amir had to work very hard in earning all the income that they would be receiving throught their life. In the United States not only did Babba have to work earning income throught the week at a liquor store, but he felt that it was necessary for him to go to earn extra money to survive and live well. Baba decided he would earn that by Amir and him taking extra time to make more income support their lifestyle. The lifestyle of Baba changed dramatically in different ways including those of seeing and interacting with people that he was not accustomed to being with, conversing, and having moments in which they were together. Not only did the change of locations bad for Amir but it affected and changed things for the people that back in hometown Kabul. Those changes were those of life and death.
The last few chapters in the book become very interesting and eye catching the audience and readers. The story became interesting and eye catching in the way that all began to come together and many exiting details for the reader.
Soon after Amir goes back to his hometown of Kabul to meet with another character, he is informed by letter about Hassan’s life’s great detail and how it developed and changed since Amir talked and seen him. Hassan’s life changed and developed dramatically and became different from peoples expectations.
Amir finally wanted to be helpful, take care of Hassan’s child, and make a difference. Amir finally began to feel guilty about what happened to Hassan in the beginning of the story. Amir was trying to build off of the situation and make a relationship with Hassan, one that he could have had. He wanted to redeem himself into not feeling as such a bad person as he felt on the inside. Amir believed it would change his feelings and let the pain and weigh off of his shoulders.
The purpose of Khaled Hosseini’s novel was to be able to reflect on morality and being attentive on actions and result that shape the future that would come and evolve to change the book. This book demonstrates the purpose in many parts of the book, it is incorporated in many parts to help the reader understand clearly and piece the parts of the puzzle. The characters actions and thoughts are very important and are the main part of the book, rather than the detail that comes after. The book’s focus and ideas are meant to be understood and captured from those of people with high maturity and level of understanding.