think that this post makes since, but I do not agree with what he is saying about places not being what they seem and Alameda soon turning out like Oakland. Jesse said that Oakland started out nice and then turned bad, and that Alameda will do the same. I did some reading on Wikipedea, and I do not believe that this is the case. Here is what happened that turned Oakland into a dangerous place:
During World war two there was high demand for war supplies. As a result manufacturing jobs quickly appeared all around the country. One place where manufacturing became very successful was Oakland California.
At the same time this was happening, many African Americans in the south, in order to escape oppression, moved to these places that offered these factory jobs requiring little mental skill (Southern Africans were for the most part uneducated because of the poor quality of black schools).
These manufacturing jobs did not last long though. After the war there was no need for excess supplies. This caused the jobs to disappear along with the richer people of Oakland (mostly white). This period of time where whites left the poorer cities was known nationally as the White Flight.
So i will agree with what Jesse is saying this make sooo much sense you don’t even know how much. Alameda is now a nice place or i should say a decent place. Since their are many things that happen in alameda that is not okay. if you mean to say that alameda is so safe then why didn’t it make to the safest places to live? the closet place around here, close to alameda county 94601-94501 is San Jose. San Jose used to be #1 in the country the safest place and this year recent it dramatically changed and lost its place in first going down three levels until now becoming 4th in the country. San Jose changed because of its neighbors and where it is, its location and its nearby towns. Many things travel and go throught to neighboring places. The amount of people and what they do will spread and go to places near it. all the gangs go looking for new places that are near to find and create territory and soon the rival gangs find out and they try to find and take that land as well. The battle begins, there is shootings and the end deaths as well.
Even though alameda is an okay in the safe category it is missing some major parts and keys that end up making a very successful place to live their without anything to worry about. Since alameda is so suburban and small it lacks many many things. For example, alameda does not have a freeway. It doesn’t run through a place where there could be a freeway. When there is a major earthquake or event crisis how are alameda people going to leave? O wait they cant since that have to cross the bridge to be able to get on a freeway, or go through a tunnel. Alameda not only lacks a freeway but also many necessities that are needed to make it a very good place to live. People in alameda always have to cross and go somewhere else to find resources such as a Wal-Mart.