Thursday, September 23, 2010

Keeping Up

When you start something new you feel like you want to get it over with as quickly as possible.  Instead of the goals that you should have, you develop completely new goals based on what you want, not what is best for you.  Here at ASTI, I feel that I have done this over my first month.  I realise that I have only been focused on keeping my personal life as normal as possible, as my grades drop to a point where I have never seen them before.  Now it is time for me to make a decision, education, or fun.  Of course I choose education, but how long will it be until I forget about my friends, my memories and my life.  I thought I was working hard, but now I see that simply doing your homework quickly isn't the same as working hard.  I am willing to make the sacrifices necessary to get to the point that I need to be at.  I am sure it will be hard, but it is nothing that I can't do.
i am responding to Sam's post! sam had some ideas  and stated some things that caught my attention and i may have related to what he sed. sam sed that he had gotten into the babit of getting into his personal life rather than going tinto his academic life. sams grade increasingly dropped and they are in a low number, such a low number that he nhad not seen before

The reason for having a low number resulted from being in a personal life, and also because ASTI is a different school and may be differentt and he may not be accustomed to the assignments and the material that he has never seen before. as this may have happened to other peiople, it is a comon thing for the people tjat are switching to a different school, a high school that is difficult and that is supposed to prepare people for college. 

an example of this, i have also fallen, i was a straight 4.0 student sine the beginning of middle school to the end. i gratuated VAledictorian of my middle school, and now beggining high school in Alameda?ASTI i have not been well prepared, most of the material that we are learniing i have not learned that has led to me styruggling and having to work harder.

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