Friday, October 8, 2010

The absoloute Diary of a part Time Indian

                In the book, The Absolute True Diary of a Partime Indian, the author Sherman Alexie believes that the society gives more importance to whites than any other race, leading to many problems in the society. The story is about a Native American teenager that lives on a small Spokane reservation, becoming aware of the contrast: favoritism of white people and the low self-esteem of Indians. The event takes place between junior and his friend Gordy at Reardan High School, a small town near Spokane. Students at Reardan are provided with the recourses while upholding and having the goal of succeeding, unlike the Native Tribal School, which Junior attended in the past. Students at Wellpinit are not giving the materials to succeed in school, while also being put down and compared to whites. They have internalized the appalling stereotypes and lost hope.

Gordy discussed the flaws and how corrupt people are to those that are not American. For example, when an American young woman had gone missing in a Mexican forest, The United States spent thousands of dollars trying to find her.  “Well this article said that over two hundred Mexican girls have disappeared in the last three years in that same part of the country. And nobody says much about that. And that’s racist. The guy who wrote this says people care more about beautiful white girls than they do about everybody else in the planet. White girls are privileged.” – Gordy the quote illustrated the point because it proved that it is ware event some of those that have not yet experienced, being put down, humiliated or forgotten because of their ethnicity. There is a major imperfection in the way that people are treated and it needs to be resolved. There should be no excuse, this country is known for giving equal rights and treating everybody equally, and we are not upholding that.

The problem affects people internally leaving people traumatized, and losing self-confidence. They believe that they are worth nothing and questioning why they should go college if they are incapable to succeeding in life. It may also lead to worse and serious consequences. For example, Juniors Grandmother was ran over and killed by a drunk driver who was drinking away his problems covering them and making them worse. Another example, Eugene one of Juniors friend was shot in the face and killed while intoxicated. Juniors Grandmother had never drank before, Eugene had been sober and straitening his life, but I little slip up of a person drinking away their problems caused those deaths. The problem has led to addictions of alcohol and of illegal substances, leaving them unaware and less likely to know what action they are committing, either suicide, murder or vulnerable to health diseases. There are several consequences leading from the favoritism and racism that are aware to the author. No life should be thought less of because of who their personality and ethnic background.

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