Friday, March 25, 2011

Sandra Cisneros Raising Children

Sandra Cisneros clearly identifies the differences between gender within the the book . As Sandra Cisnerios states, her childhood held many interesting occasions. Esperanza, grew up  moving within the Chicago street, to a little secluded house on mango street.
Esperanza had interactions with children in the neighborhood stating differences within her siblings. Esperanza stated there stood a dramatic change outside of her house.  “The boys and girls live in separate worlds. the boys in their universe and we in ours. My brothers for example. They've got plenty to say to me and Nenny inside the house. But the outside they cant be seen talking to girls. Carlos and kiki are each others best friend... not ours"(Page 8) Esperanza noticed the differences stating the interactions her brothers held. Esperanza was born into a family where gender held specific distinctions in actions. An example, included who children could socialize with. Males since young children, could not excessively interacted with females and do feminine based  actions.
Another example of interactions based on society, was sally. Sally a young woman recently married, began a new life that would change the way Esperanza viewed her position of males and women. Sally stood far away from leading and making decisions to form a life for herself and her dreams. “She sits at home because she is afraid to go outside without his permission”(page 102).As a newly wed, Sally stood all day long within the walls of her house, waiting for something to do. So many people in Esperanza’ community expected women to marry extremely young and act on the wishes of their husbands.
Esperanza wanted to go against the her community and base things for herself and her life. Witnessing the difficulties for women, Esperanza wanted to change the standards she was upheld to. Esperanza was beginning to go against the expectations and started drifting to becoming independent. She did not let the differences stop her from  becoming strong. Esperanza wanted to be equal to males, allowed to build a life, work, family.  Esperanza’s future withheld allowing differences in gender to affect her position in life.

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